West Norfolk Romp to Victory in Epic Suffolk Gents Derby
I am delighted to report a fantastic result for WNCC against the Gents of Suffolk. The Gents fielded a very strong team, with a MCC opening bowler and a hatful of club cricketers. Gurney took the captaincy with relish and the gloves.
Some highlights:
Sutton displayed great ability at recruitment and offspin – a new career beckoning post professional football.
Kennedy caught a awesome left-handed catch at first slip, then proceeded to take 6 wickets. He still did not buy a jug and wanted a bat! In all seriousness, it was one of the best spells of bowling by WNCC in my 26 yrs playing – watch out the 2009 grouse!
The bowling was supported by the fielding, particularly the non West Norfolk regulars. Mason ever the exception.
Chasing 182 … with only 32 overs available, Henry Mason was asked to open the batting with Everall – a bold decision by a Brierley-like captain. The bowling was fast/painful and accurate. Mason hit the boundaries, Everall took the pain and saw the new ball off well. Mason hit 73 runs in a match winning performance that even surpassed his great knock against Gresham’s in terms of match play.
Other noticeable performances with the bat were provided by Sutton and Wadu. WNCC romped to a victory with 5 wickets in hand in the last over. In true aristocratic fashion the captain undertook to play the last over and hit the winning runs with a well-timed off drive for four.
Well done and thank you to all those who played, in particular to Chris Sutton for some great wingmen.
Tour 2011 was topic of the dressing room and more cricket for WNCC .