At the time of this press release we are still gathering details of which specific performances contributed to an outstanding season for young JK. The outgoing skipper has since cited a stunning catch and wickets against Suffolk Gents.
Mr Kennedy was able to speak to the press office this afternoon stating that “no one was more surprised than me? [ed: Note, that does not discount others being suitably surprised, just not rigid with shock alla JK].
Rumour has it that the 6 wickets haul at Gents of Suffolk was the corner stone of a solid performance, keen to prove himself after the vice captain (J Holden) has denied him a bowl (and a bat!) at Camden. Clearly a good piece of captaincy: holding him back. However, his streak of selfishness still prevailed at the Woolpit, where having bagged three brace of wickets he still pleaded to the skipper to open the batting. Perhaps this year Mr Kennedy would like to do score, umpire and do the teas as well?!